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We're in this

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WITT is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of youth exiting the foster care system

WITT is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of youth exiting the foster care system by preparing them for a productive, emotionally healthy and self-reliant adult lifestyle, while breaking the cycle of abuse and trauma.


The WITT Project aims to assist transitioning youth with access to continued social services upon discharge from the Foster Care Program.

How we can help you

Social Services

WITT will provide assistance with accessing identification documents such as Birth Certificates, Social Security Cards, Medicaid Cards and IDs, documents often lost in the shuffle of multiple placements.

WITT will assist with housing applications and referrals to shelters; assistance with social security disability applications and evaluations; coordinating childcare and assisting with government applications and food stamps, SNAP, etc

Career Planning

WITT will provide assistance with job search preparedness and job placement services and referrals.

WITT will provide referrals and assist with applications to On-the-Job Training programs; State Vocational and continuing education programs.

WITT will provide coordination of transportation services for those eligible.


WITT will provide assistance with college and financial aid applications.


With almost 80% of foster care youth being on prescribed psychotropic medication for a variety of mental health disorders. Discontinued access to prescriptions and routine medical and therapeutic care can lead to major life disruptions.


WITT can help by Coordinating and scheduling Annual Physicals, referrals to medical specialists, dental/vision Exams and education on maintaining healthy life practices.

Our Success Stories

“I'm a testimonial. Click to edit me and add text that says something nice about you and your services.”

Carole Carter

Our Partners 

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